About me

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Ohh my! The last time I posted something, we had just barely gotten engaged... now we are only FOUR days away from getting married! That's this week, people. I'm going to marry my best friend THIS WEEK!

So much has happened throughout our engagement. I have loved being engaged to my sweet Kelton and have also loved getting to call him my fiancé! What a gem that man is. 

A lot of wedding/marriage shenanigans have been happening! In March, my sweet, SWEET family threw me a bridal shower in Arizona. I so appreciate everyone who came!  I really do have the world's greatest family. They have been nothing short of amazing! I cannot thank them enough!

My awesome maid of honor threw me a bachelorette party! It was so fun to get together with some close friends and just be goofy! I don't get a whole lot of girl time anymore, so that was a fun thing to do! Brooklynn is the best for planning all of it and  I had a great time!

After that trip to Arizona, we went back to Rexburg for a few weeks to finish up the semester. I really did have such a great semester! I'm so glad that I wasn't taking 18 credits again. Haha. Once we finished up with classes and work, we packed everything we own into our tiny car and headed to Utah! We will be living down there for the summer and I could not be more excited! We found an awesome place to live. It will be so fun to start our lives together there! I'm excited about not having to say goodbye to Kelton every night. That will be a treat!

Then we had our trip to Indiana! Can I just say... I LOVE that place. That move we had there a few years ago was really the best thing that could have every happened to me. I grew so much during those short years of living there. It really is the coolest thing to gain such close friends who I think of more as family. I got to have a bridal shower there and it was so beyond great! I really am so blessed and I wish I could fully express how grateful I am for the people in my life. Indiana has such a special place in my heart. 

Where did I go?!?

Even though there are SO MANY happy emotions, one thing that has been hard is doing all of these wedding things without my best friends. It's really tough to not have them here with me to experience all of this joy and happiness. I have had far too many meltdowns about it all... (Kelton is a trooper!) Also, DREW is on a mission. What is life? I am so sad he won't be there too. I really can't be too sad, though, because he is doing so well! I wouldn't want him to be anywhere else. It hurts my heart to know that that they won't be in the sealing room with me, but MAN, am I proud of them. Missions are amazing things and I'm grateful for their sacrifices and service. 

I am so excited for these upcoming weeks!! I really feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Every single day I am more and more sure that he is the love of my life and the man I'm supposed to marry and get to spend eternity with. How lucky am I?! I'm in awe every day.

J. Taylor Photography:

See ya when I'm MARRIED!!!



Saturday, February 28, 2015

Uhh... I can explain.

Uhhh... I can explain. 

Okay, I feel like I have a good excuse as to why I haven't been keeping up with my blog... I'm getting married!!! But you all know that. I just like saying it. It makes me happy. :) #sorrynotsorry I guess that's still not the best excuse. I feel like if I have any free time, I either am spending it with Kelton or I am planning the wedding. Busy, busy, busy. 

So I guess I'll do a little catch-up of what I've been up to the past couple of months...

1. Dropped Drew off at the MTC!

I can't even explain to you how proud I am of him. He is such an amazing young man. 

Hey Mom, show this picture to Trevor! Haha

P.S. When did he get taller than me?!?

2. Got registered at Target!

My two favorite things: Kelton and Target. My mom said, "You must be in heaven!" She was right. Hahaha. 

3. Bought a wedding dress!

I went dress shopping with these awesome people in Utah! It was so fun. :) I didn't end up getting anything at this place, but I did find one back in Idaho with Brooklynn a few weeks later and I am in L O V E. 

Just a little sneak peak for you... ;)

4. Took way more pictures that I ever would have liked to take. 

My Digital Imaging class has been kickin' my trash. Haha! It's definitely a love/hate relationship. We went on a field trip to Bannack Ghost Town in Montana...I'll post some of those on here. I'm not the biggest fan of how much editing this class requires because I think it makes my photos look super fake... but I think they still turned out pretty cool!


^ Levitation ^

5. Went to Goldbug Hot Springs!

We went with a super fun group and it was SO beautiful outside, I couldn't believe it. It really felt like summer. I wish I took more pictures, but this is all I got! Haha. 

Shelby is a gem. Also, we had to change out of our swimming suits before we hiked back down and a creep was watching me and Shelby change...so that was good. Haha!

He is such a babe. Sorry. 

6. SAW MY MOM :)

Hate this picture, love this woman!

Kathy, Alex, and Cari were all a HUGE help too! We got a lot of stuff done for the wedding. They are so great. :) We are SO grateful for all of their help. We also got a wedding planner that I'm super stoked about. All of her events look so beautiful. Check out her stuff! {Rachael Ellen Events}

I also got some temple stuff on this trip and that is just crazy!!! I can't believe I'll be going through in a few months. :)

7. Picked a venue for our reception!!

Let me tell you, that was a freakin' miracle. I would highly recommend booking a venue the second you even think you are going to get married! Haha. 2 months beforehand was way too stressful. 

9. Asked this gem to be my maid of honor!

She's a babe and I can't wait to have her at my wedding. She has been such a great friend to me and is really just the greatest!

10. Ended an era.

Haha. I stopped going to my beloved chiropractor after going 2-3 times a week for the past 8 months... Jonathan and I have become good friends. Haha. Looking forward to settling my claim for the car accident really soon!

11. Enjoyed time with these awesome people!

My roommates are awesome and so are my FHE brothers!

12. Just lovin' every second that I get to spend with this guy. :)

Sorry, SO CHEESY! I know. I can't help it. I'm so in love with him. 

So handsome. What the heck?! 

Oh! And we got our engagement pictures done. But you already knew that. :)

Is it even allowed for people to be this happy?!?

See you SOON!
